Brabant-McKenzie Zinc-Copper Project Update
TORONTO - Murchison Minerals Ltd. reported on its regional exploration at Brabant-McKenzie high grade zinc-copper project (the "Project") located in North-Central Saskatchewan. The Company continues to expand its regional review of mineralized showings on the Project and surrounding area with a focus on identifying other potential deposits.
Murchison conducted a regional prospecting, sampling and mapping program over a number of showings on current and recently staked claims resulting in two new mineralized showings identified for further exploration as potential drill targets.
The Company plans to conduct ground electromagnetic ("EM") and magnetometer ("Mag") surveys on both the Main Lake and McIvor Channel showings in order to better define their size and geometries. Results from these surveys will be used to determine the potential of both showings as drill targets.
President and CEO, Kent Pearson, said, "Our regional program continues to identify additional exploration targets property wide. Our confidence is increasing with respect to the potential of the Brabant-McKenzie Project and specifically the opportunity to potentially identify other deposits in addition to the Brabant-McKenzie deposit. The recently identified Main Lake Showing and McIvor Lake Showing add to a growing list of regional targets that have the potential to develop into drill targets and add to our drilling portfolio. We believe that based on our ongoing regional results to date and the number of known mineralized showings and geophysical anomalies on the under-explored 18 kilometer strike of our property, the Brabant-McKenzie Project has the potential to develop into a possible VMS camp or district".
The Company identified the Main Lake Showing located approximately eight kilometers south of the Brabant-McKenzie Deposit on between Brabant Lake and Main Lake. Government historic minfile reports outline work on a number of mineralized trenches, workings, geophysics and drilling. Geochemical results from historical rock grab sampling in trenches include results of up to 8.58 oz/ton silver, 12.2% copper and 17.5% zinc. Limited historic drilling in one hole intersected values of 0.01 oz/ton gold, 0.06 to 0.43 oz/ton silver, 2.6 to 7.5% zinc and 0.4 to 0.6% lead over a core width of 1.18 meters. (Saskatchewan Mineral Deposit Index file 0447 and 0536). Additional drilling apparently did not reach the mineralized horizon and failed to intercept the mineralized zone as a result. The showings are coincident with a historic Very Low Frequency (VLF) geophysical conductor trend outlined over an approximately two kilometer strike length.
The Program successfully located the historic trenching and workings approximately 100 meters apart. Sulphide mineralization identified contains chalcopyrite in micro fractures and as blebs as well as fine grained massive sphalerite. Results from the from rock sampling confirmed the high-grade nature of mineralization are similar to values obtained at the Deposit.
The Program successfully located the historic McIvor Channel showing approximately nine kilometers south of the Deposit on the east shore of the McIvor Channel. Six of eight historical trenches were identified as hosting massive sulphide mineralization of primarily pyrhhotite with chalcopyrite over a strike length of approximately 600 metres. Mineralization dips northwest potentially under the McIvor Channel. Historic work only included rock sampling which returned a value of 0.25% copper in one trench. Sampling from the Program returned anomalous values in copper.
No geophysics or follow up drilling was ever conducted to test this showing and prior to the Program, no additional work has been carried out on this showing since 1968. Bruce Gemmell, Ph.D. (expert at VMS deposits) suggests that "the high content of pyrrhotite of the showing may indicate proximity to the central part of a possible deposit and feeder zone, and suggests that it may be part of a more extensive system in the immediate area."
The Company plans to continue develop this target with an extensive EM and Mag geophysical program this winter. The focus of the program will be to define the full dimensions of the showing and potential of adjacent mineralization. Based on results, the Company expects to develop a drill program to further test for economic mineralization on this showing.